High and low percentages
Feeling-thinking type
Thinking-feeling type
Ambiguous type
Personal relationships
Now that we have become acquainted with lunar and solar types and have learnt of the differences that exist between the two breathing types in almost all aspects of our daily life such as diet, behaviour, posture, learning aptitude, musical talent etc., it is time to consider percentages.
By hand, or with a computer programme, we can now calculate percentages based on the date of birth. The fact that there are two different breathing types is not all, but only the beginning of the story. The comparison between lunar and solar percentages reveals a great deal about a person with regard to emotions, thought processes, aptitude for learning, self-centredness, personal relationships etc. and indicates that each breathing type is multi-faceted and unique, both in itself and in its interaction with others.
All of us always have both solar and lunar energy. Added together they do not amount to 100%. For example, the lunar energy of a high percentage lunar type may amount to more than 90% and the solar energy may be more than 70% or as little as 25%.
The percentages and the resulting behavioural patterns are of no particular value and have nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s intelligence. Everything is determined by nature and therefore everything is correct and unprejudiced!
High and Low Percentages
Thinking-Feeling Type & Feeling-Thinking Type
A high percentage type is a person with at least 75% solar or lunar energy; a low percentage type is one where both solar and lunar energies are less than 50%. The greater the disparity between the two types of energy, the greater the natural intolerance towards the opposite breathing type. The percentage amount is decisive for intellectual powers.
Persons with lower percentages have less self-esteem and tend to be feeling-thinking types.
Persons with high percentages know their own worth and tend to be thinking-feeling types.
High percentage individuals, whether lunar or solar, are planners. The higher the percentage, the more precisely something is planned and discussed before it is executed = thinking-feeling type. They investigate, analyse and plan. It is difficult for them to put an idea into effect immediately without prior planning. The emotional reaction follows later. They are very aware of their own worth. This has nothing to do with egoism however! Therefore, they constantly need confirmation of their worth and their self-assurance.
Low percentage individuals find it hard to plan and organise. They rely on their ‘gut feeling’ and take spontaneous decisions; reflection comes later. Therefore, such individuals are well advised to take up a creative profession. As a rule, small children are told what to do without any explanation being given! They do not question such instructions. Only as they grow older do they think about the instructions and ask questions. A high percentage parent (thinking-feeling type) finds this difficult to comprehend, as he or she thinks that a child must surely know why it is supposed to do this or that.
The majority of the population, namely approximately 75%, are thinking-feeling types. Feeling-thinking types first of all evaluate all new experiences emotionally
and only later process them intellectually. Thinking-feeling types process and evaluate new experiences intellectually in the first instance and only later evaluate them emotionally.
If the feeling-thinking type has an idea he will seek to implement it immediately with great enthusiasm and only analyse it afterwards. The implementation of the idea is therefore not preceded by planning because planning is something that would require a lot of energy.
The reverse is true for the thinking-feeling type. He is the one who first of all analyses and plans everything carefully. He finds it difficult to implement an idea immediately without prior planning. He loves to weigh up the pros and cons thoroughly before taking a decision. The time for emotional reactions comes later.
The methods of approach of both types have advantages and disadvantages; both can be highly successful or failures.
For both types it is essential to observe the sequence decided at birth.
First of all, the primary principle must be observed, the secondary principle can be experienced later. If an individual lives only according to the dominant principle, this is destructive and can, in the long run, lead to ill health, emotional and mental problems!
Ambiguous Type
We describe people whose breathing type cannot be determined by existing methods as ambiguous. That means people who were born at a time when the divergence between solar and lunar energy was less than 7%.
An ambiguous type in this sense, however, does not exist. He is either solar or lunar. A professional terlusollogist must now determine by means of questions and exercises etc. whether he is solar or lunar type.
Personal relationships
Many misunderstandings arise because the partners do not realise that they are different types. An awareness of each other’s type is very helpful in everyday life and allows the partners to give each other the necessary space and thus avoid conflict. Love is not under discussion here as it is not affected by terlusollogical aspects. We are talking about everyday life and the legitimacy of each breathing type.
The greater the difference in the percentages of the two partners, the more tolerance they must show to each other.
A terlusollogist can explain the various percentages in connection with your partner in greater detail.