Laterality, Handedness
Eyes, Ears
Physically stronger side, mentally dominant side
Terlusollogy at school
Laterality, handedness
By laterality (handedness) we mean the behavioural difference between the two sides of our bodies, caused by different degrees of dominance in the brain.
We now know from experience that if the ‘wrong’ side of the brain is dominant, any number of disorders can arise, dyslexia, for example. Therefore, it is extremely important to observe the lateralisation of the manual skills of pre-school children! In the case of negative developments such as using the ‘wrong’ hand, appropriate action should be taken at as young an age as possible. When remedial therapy is started at an early age, the ‘right’ behaviour is more readily accepted and disorders can be avoided.
Eyes and Ears
The dominant side of the brain for seeing and hearing is the complete opposite in lunar and solar breathing types. Everyone has one eye that is short-sighted and one that is long sighted; one ear hears noise close by, the other noise in the distance.
The following hold true for the lunar breathing type:
left ear = noise in the distance, right ear = noise close by
left eye = short-sighted (activity, obscurity, foreground)
right eye = long-sighted (inactivity, clarity, colour).
In lunar types the eyes are located in the contraction zone, the ears in the expansion zone.
The expansion zone requires considerable stimulation.
The stimulation increases blood flow to the appropriate areas of the brain. Therefore, the lunar type prefers to learn by hearing. He is an auditory type!
The following hold true for the solar breathing type:
left ear = noise close by, right ear = noise in the distance
left eye = long sighted (inactivity, clarity, colour)
right eye = short sighted (activity, obscurity, foreground.
The solar type is a visual learner. His eyes are located in the expansion zone, his ears in the contraction zone.
He is a visual type!
The brain, therefore, not only has two distinct and different sides, it also determines our ‘preferred’ eye and ear.
The physically stronger side, the mentally dominant side
According to Erich Wilk, who first described these laws of nature, one must differentiate between a person’s physically stronger side and his mentally dominant side. This means that physical activities are predominantly performed by one side of the body. The other side is the mentally dominant one that ‘calls the shots’ and gives orders for the physical activity.
The following holds true for lunar types:
their right side is their physically stronger side,
their left side is their mentally dominant side.
The following holds true for solar types:
their left side is their physically stronger side,
their right side is their mentally dominant side.
Physically stronger side and mentally dominant side are both important for carrying out physical activities according to type: they are involved when we stand, walk and use our hands. They are of the greatest importance for handedness which usually depends on the hand with which we write.
Handedness plays an important role in today’s society which sometimes still frowns on left-handedness. The development of handedness is complete by the time a child learns to write. The physical activity of writing is linked to many areas of the brain in addition to the language centre and is therefore of particular importance. Medical researchers believe that many disorders are caused by wrong-handedness. Thus, schoolchildren are now allowed to choose the hand with which they wish to write as, so far, there are no clear criteria for determining which hand is the ‘right’ one.
In the opinion of terlusollogists, however, it can be clearly detected. As writing is a physical activity,
lunar types should write with their right hand,
solar types with their left hand.
Terlusollogists believe that dyslexia and speech disorders are closely linked to handedness.
Experiments with monkeys carried out by Professor Glees in 1952 showed that 50% of them were right-handed and 50% left-handed. This seems to indicate that mammals are also influenced by the principles of expansion and contraction dictated by sun and moon.
A child begins to develop its handedness during the first few months of its life. It will gradually become evident whether it is left-handed or right-handed. A decisive step is taken when it learns to write. Your stronger side always determines the hand you write with because writing is a physical activity, what you write is a mental one.
This is a disadvantage for solar types as they have to learn to write letters that have been shaped to meet the needs of right-handers (writing from left to right) which constitutes a problem from the outset.
Writing is much easier for lunar types (right-handers).
If children are made to write contrary to their natural inclination, this can lead to serious disorders and even cause dyslexia.
Terlusollogy at school
Lunar types should use their right hand, Solar types should use their left hand
Dyslexia is a self-induced learning disability due to the fact that the brain cannot translate information correctly.
If all solar types were to write with their left hand, this disability would practically disappear. Therefore, it would make sense to encourage solar types to write with their left hand during their first two years at school.
If they decide to become left-handers later in life, it is sensible to start at the beginning of the summer holidays as it can take longer.
It would be ideal if solar children were taught by solar teachers during the first two years mainly in the morning. It would be ideal for lunar children to be taught by lunar teachers mainly in the afternoon. Solar types are morning people, their powers of comprehension are greatest in the morning, and they should go to bed early.
Lunar types are those who never want to go to bed in the evening. They should be allowed to sleep late as they are most active in the evening.
In the case of ADD, the impulse in the brain functions correctly, but not the restraint. When the brain sends impulses, they also need to be restrained otherwise they overshoot the mark.
Precisely what causes ADD is not yet known (diet? genetic disorder?).
If there is a genetic link, ADD has to be treated with Ritalin but it is essential to monitor the child closely and adjust the dosage regularly, otherwise the medication will lead to the exact opposite of the intended result. Children can become addicted to Ritalin!